UnlimitedWP’s thirdWP Roundup is ready. Here you’ll find some of the most newsworthy events happening in the world of WordPress. We’ve collected useful plugins, themes, and tools that help agencies make the most of WordPress tasks. Read on to see what’s been happening in our industry.

News to Know

Wordpress News
  • WordPress now powers 42.4% of websites globally, grew 26.6% in the last decade.
  • WordPress security and maintenance release – 5.7.1 came out in April and 5.7.2 came out in May. The release fixes three major security issues and includes 26 bug fixes. You can update to the latest version directly from your WordPress dashboard or by downloading it from WordPress.org.
  • Popular donation plugin GiveWP joins the growing Liquid Web WP products family.

Useful Themes and Templates

Useful Themes and Templates
  • Every marketer dreams of creating landing pages on the fly. SeedProd just does that and more. Use SeedProd to ensure you have everything you need to create high-converting landing pages easily in WordPress.
  • GeneratePress is a lightweight theme that can be enhanced with a premium pack of extensions. It will work with all page builders and has the most comprehensive documentation of any theme we’ve seen.
  • Neumorphism is a new design trend inspired by Skeuomorphism with a more minimal approach. Use it to automatically create soft UI boxes that fit your site aesthetic perfectly.

Useful Plugins

Useful Plugins
  • Moving sites between hosts can be a time-consuming process. Migrate Guru is our plugin of choice when it comes to WP site migration. One-click migration works!
  • Managing backup, staging, and maintenance of all of your client’s websites are hard. Check out our recent blog and see some of our suggestions on how to get all sites working under a single dashboard for ease of management.
  • We have heard from a few agencies who are trying Gutenberg blocks to build new websites. Automattic clearly indicates this is the future. If you are building custom sites with ACF Pro, ACF Blocks is a great plugin to add ready-made blocks with Gutenberg on your pages.

Agency Growth Tools and Resources

Agency Growth Tools and Resources
  • I wrote a small PDF guide 3 years ago (before UnlimitedWP time) highlighting some 25 do’s and don’ts for agency owners. I read the guide again last week and every single item still holds true to growing a successful agency.
  • At UnlimitedWP, we use GridPane to supercharge our hosting environment. GridPane helps you build your own managed-hosting platform without the high-end price tag compared to hostings like WP Engine
  • We used HubStaff for internal team time tracking for more than three years. We migrated to a free tool offered by TopTal Tracker. We have 54 team members using it daily and it works! Did I mention it’s FREE? Every team member has their own account and you invite them to your projects.


Thank you for reading this edition of UnlimitedWP’s WP Roundup. We do not have an affiliate relationship with any of the third party sites, services or products mentioned above on this page.