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The WordPress freelancer playbook for agencies

Everything your agency needs to know about hiring, working with, and managing a WordPress freelancer.

Hiring a WordPress freelancer? Read this first

Running a digital agency means always being on the lookout for the right people to help your business reach that next level of growth and keep things running smoothly. Hiring a WordPress freelancer can give you the boost you need — nimble, skilled, and ready to jump in right when you need them.

With our WordPress freelancer hiring playbook, we’ll walk you through how to bring them on board smoothly and make sure they click with your team from the get-go.

Is a WordPress freelancer the right addition to your team?

Are you at that crossroads considering whether or not to bring a WordPress freelancer on board? Whether you want to hire a freelance WordPress developer or designer, it’s a big decision. Let’s walk through some key points to think about, so that if you do go down this path, it’s a smooth ride that benefits everyone involved.

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Take a good look at your current team

What’s on everyone’s plate? If your crew is already stretched thin or there’s a skill that’s missing from your lineup, a WordPress freelancer could be just the ticket to filling those gaps without overcommitting.

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What’s the deal with your projects?

Got a project queue that’s as varied as your Spotify playlist? If there are gigs that don’t require a full-time role but still demand some serious expertise, a WordPress freelancer might be the smartest move.

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Let’s talk numbers

Do the math before hiring a WordPress freelancer. They’re often a cost-effective solution, eliminating the overhead of full-time employees while offering the flexibility to scale up or down as your workload changes.

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Is growth on your horizon?

If you want to scale up, freelancers can be a turbo boost — there when you need them, gone when you don’t, helping you manage changing workloads without the risks that come with hiring a permanent employee.

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Will they gel with your team?

Think about the vibe of your team. A WordPress freelancer should be able to jump in and work well with the rest of your agency’s team, contributing positively and not just clocking in and out.

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What are your clients saying?

Take a cue from your clients. If they’re asking for things that have you scratching your head, it might be time to bring in a WordPress freelancer who speaks their language.

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Ready to play captain?

Managing a freelancer takes effort, so make sure you’re not already swamped. You need time to provide clear communication, set expectations, and provide direction to ensure they’re keeping on top of tasks and delivering what you need.

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Is this a fling or the real thing?

Figure out what you’re really looking for in a WordPress freelancer. If your needs are evolving and you see a steady stream of projects coming, maybe you need a regular freelancer on speed dial, not just a one-and-done deal.

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Big picture time

Assess how a freelancer fits into your overall business strategy. If their expertise and flexibility can enhance your service offerings and help you adapt to market demands, it could be a savvy business move to bring one into your team.

Essential questions to ask a WordPress freelancer before your hire them

You need to know the person you’ll be trusting with your important client projects before hiring any WordPress freelancer. You want to ask questions that cut to the chase, giving you a clear picture of their skills, how they tick, and if they’ll vibe with your team. Here are some questions to get you started

What’s your hands-on experience with the latest in WordPress?

Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of what they’ve actually done. Have they kept up with the latest updates, and can they whip up a theme or plugin from scratch if needed?

How do you handle feedback?

You want someone who takes feedback like a champ, using it to grow and improve their work.

Can you give me an example of a tight deadline you’ve nailed?

Everyone says they’re great under pressure, but ask for a real-deal story where they turned chaos into a success.

How would you describe your ideal team culture?

Your WordPress freelancers need to slip into your team like they’ve always been there, adapting to your agency’s unique way of doing things.

Have you cracked a tough WordPress problem?

You’re looking for a problem-solver, someone who can take on those head-scratchers and sort them out.

How do you stay ahead of the curve with WordPress skills and knowledge?

The digital world doesn’t stand still, and neither should your freelance WordPress designer or developer. Find out how they keep their WordPress knowledge fresh.

How do you keep your remote work game strong?

With remote work being the norm, they’ll need to have a handle on staying connected and productive, no matter where they are.

What’s your approach to collaborating on projects?

It takes two to tango. Make sure the WordPress freelancer you hire has a collaboration style that complements your agency’s approach to teamwork.

What strategies do you use to stay aligned with a project’s vision and goals?

You’re not just hiring a set of skills; you’re bringing on a visionary who can keep the project’s end goals in sight. It’s important they share how they align their day-to-day work with the bigger picture you’re painting for your clients.

Can you walk me through how you manage project revisions and updates?

Revisions are part and parcel of any WordPress project. You’ll want to know how your WordPress freelancer handles the repetitive (and sometimes tedious) process of polishing a project to perfection.

Spotting the not-so-great fits: red flags in WordPress freelancers

Let’s be real: finding a WordPress freelancer you can trust to deliver quality work for your clients’ projects can be nerve wracking. Hire the wrong freelancer, and you risk delayed projects, unhappy clients, and messy team dynamics.

And while there’s no foolproof method, keeping an eye out for certain red flags can save you a heap of trouble. Here’s what to watch out for when considering a new WordPress freelancer.

When messages become maybes
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If replies come late or are as clear as mud, it might mean you’ve got a freelancer who struggles to stay in sync with a team. Good communication is the glue that keeps projects together, so don’t settle for less.

A one-trick-pony portfolio 
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When a freelancer’s work history feels a little one-note, it could be a sign they don’t have the range to handle the rich variety of challenges your clients throw your way.

The silent type on projects
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You want a freelancer who brings energy and ideas to the table. If they’re more ‘sit back and relax’ than ‘lean in and engage,’ they might not be the mover and shaker your projects require.

The balancing act that doesn’t
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Spinning too many plates can lead to a crash. If a freelancer’s juggling too many jobs, yours might not get the attention it deserves.

Stuck in their ways
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If a freelancer resists trying out new tools or workflows, it could spell trouble for fitting into your team’s way of doing things.

The feedback isn’t looking good
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Pay attention to what others have said about working with them. If there’s a chorus of grumbles, it might be a sign to steer clear.

What you didn’t know (but need to know) about hiring WordPress freelancers

Hiring a WordPress freelancer is more than just agreeing on a rate and setting a deadline. There are layers to this relationship that, if not managed well, could leave you in a bit of a pickle. Here’s a rundown of the less-obvious, but super important, stuff to keep in mind when you’re bringing a freelancer into your agency’s world.

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  • Hidden costs

    Sure, the hourly rate looks good, but what about those last-minute changes the client asked for? Make sure you know what you’re signing up for when it comes to potential extra charges.
  • Legal considerations
    It’s not the most exciting read, but those contract terms are crucial. Whether it’s copyright laws or confidentiality clauses, getting the legal stuff right keeps everyone’s work safe and sound.
  • Scale smartly

    Your agency’s hitting its stride, and you need more hands on deck. That’s great, but remember to keep a handle on your growing freelance team. Consistency and quality control are key.
  • Exit strategies
    Sometimes things just don’t work out, and that’s okay. Have a game plan for wrapping things up with a freelancer that safeguards your projects and your agency’s good name.
  • Knowledge of collaboration tools
    While we often assume everyone’s up to speed on the latest digital tools, don’t assume that every freelancer is a whiz at your preferred project management software or communication platform. It’s essential to factor in the time and resources it may take to get them up to speed.

Our top tips for smooth sailing with a WordPress freelancer

When you find the right freelancer, it can feel like you’ve struck gold. They can supercharge your projects and infuse fresh expertise into your team. Here’s the inside scoop on how to work together effectively:

  • Set goals: Make sure both you and your freelancer understand what you’re aiming for. 
  • Ensure smooth onboarding: Help your freelancers get to grips with your agency’s style and expectations. 
  • Create clear workflows: Clear workflows mean your freelancer won’t have to second-guess their next move.
  • Be open to feedback: Create a space where everyone can offer insights and suggestions. When feedback flows freely, your projects can only get better.
  • Schedule check-ins: Having a set time for updates means you’re always in the loop, and so is your WordPress freelancer.
  • Plan ahead: Knowing who’s available and when can make managing your projects a lot less stressful.
  • Encourage mentoring: Have more experienced WordPress freelancers mentor new ones to streamline training.
  • Handle conflicts thoughtfully: Address issues calmly and promptly. Listening to their point of view can often defuse tension early on.

5 tasks you should & shouldn’t assign to a freelance WordPress developer

Deciding what to delegate to a WordPress freelancer can be tricky. It’s about striking that perfect balance — giving them tasks that fit their skills like a glove, while keeping core responsibilities under your roof.

Let’s quickly break down the do’s and don’ts to help you assign tasks with confidence and keep your agency running like a well-oiled machine.

What tasks you should give your WordPress freelancer

Every WordPress freelancer has a toolkit of tricks up their sleeve, ready to tackle challenges with a mix of skill and creativity. But it’s all about playing to their strengths. Here are 5 tasks where a WordPress freelancer can truly shine, bringing value and expertise to your agency’s projects.

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  1. Plugin customization and integration

    When off-the-shelf plugins don’t quite meet the mark, a WordPress freelancer is your go-to. They have the chops to tailor existing plugins to your exact requirements or seamlessly integrate multiple plugins to ensure they work together without a hitch.
  2. Theme customization for brand alignment

    Your clients need a site that reflects their brand identity perfectly. A WordPress freelancer can take a theme and tweak it, infusing it with the brand colors, fonts, and style elements that make the site
  3. Code optimization for speed and efficiency

    A sluggish website can turn users away. Task a freelancer with diving under the hood to optimize the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They’ll streamline the code to ensure the site loads quickly and runs smoothly, keeping users and search engines happy.
  4. Responsive design adjustments

    In a mobile-first world, ensuring a website looks great on all devices is critical. Freelancers can fine-tune the responsiveness of a site, ensuring it adapts seamlessly to different screens, from desktops to smartphones.
  5. Troubleshooting and technical support

    When a website hits a snag, a WordPress freelancer can be both, detective and fixer. With their specialized skill set, they can identify the issue – like a plugin conflict or a theme error – and implement a solution to get the site back up and running.

What tasks you shouldn’t give your WordPress freelancer

Not every task is cut out for a freelancer’s particular brand of magic. There are certain responsibilities that, when kept in-house or delegated to other specialized roles, can keep your agency’s workflow smooth and efficient. Let’s look at 5 areas where your freelancer’s talents are better saved for another day.

  1. Ongoing content management

    Regularly updating blog posts, managing event calendars, and refreshing page content are important, but don’t typically require a developer’s skill set. These are better suited for a content manager or virtual assistant whose talents lie in keeping content dynamic and current.
  2. High-level SEO strategy

    While freelancers can implement SEO tactics, planning the overarching SEO strategy often requires a dedicated SEO specialist or marketer who can take a holistic view of the site’s performance and competitive landscape.
  3. Daily website maintenance

    The day-to-day upkeep, like updating plugins, moderating comments, and managing backups, might not be the most effective use of a freelancer’s time. These tasks are better handled by someone in a more administrative or operational role.
  4. Brand design creation

    Designing logos or creating brand guidelines is a job for a graphic designer or brand strategist, professionals who can capture the essence of a brand in visual form – something a WordPress freelancer may not be specialized in.
  5. Extensive project management

    Managing a large project from start to finish involves a lot of moving pieces. While freelancers can manage aspects of a project, a dedicated project manager will have the broad skills necessary to oversee a project’s timeline, resources, and stakeholder communication.
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Extend your team with on-demand WordPress developers

UnlimitedWP offers white label WordPress developers who slot seamlessly into your existing team, providing the extra hands and brains you need to push your agency’s growth, without the stress of recruiting and onboarding. They’re your behind-the-scenes pros, ready to help you meet the rising tide of projects with ease and expertise.

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Effortless team expansion

Our white label WordPress developers act as an extension of your team, offering their expertise without the hassle of recruitment or the commitment of full-time hires.

  • Fixed cost: No surprises, just a monthly rate that fits your budget.
  • Managed WP team: We handle the hiring and managing, so you don’t have to.
  • Quick turnaround: Need something ASAP? We’re on it.
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Quality delivery, every time

We’re not just about getting the job done; we’re about getting it done right. With UnlimitedWP, you’re tapping into a pool of 90+ vetted WordPress pros who are as invested in your clients’ success as you are.

  • Vetted WordPress developers: Only the best for your projects.
  • Quality assurance: A dedicated QA team for spotless delivery.
  • Reliable results: Consistency is our middle name. Never worry about flaky freelancers again.
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Growth without the graft

Looking to grow your agency without growing pains? Our white label WordPress developers bring the skills and the flexibility you need to take on more work and deliver outstanding results, every time.

  • Scalable support: Adjust the service as your agency grows.
  • Agency-focused: We understand your challenges, because we’ve been there.
  • Risk-free guarantee: Try us out with a 14-day money-back promise.

Your agency’s needs, our flexible WordPress plans

Looking for full-scale WordPress support or just a helping hand with certain tasks? We’ve got a range of support plans designed with your agency’s needs in mind. Choose our full-service development plans for comprehensive support or zero in on maintenance or SEO with our specialized plans.

WordPress Maintenance

  • WP Updates
  • Plugin Updates
  • Security
  • White Label Report

See WP Care Plan


  • Web Audit
  • Technical SEO
  • On-Page SEO
  • Google Search Console

See SEO Growth Plan

Small or Big WP Tasks

  • Bug Fixing
  • Add new Landing Page
  • New Site Development
  • Day to Day Support tasks

See Development Plan

Why digital agencies love UnlimitedWP

See what they think about outsourcing WordPress care to our expert team.

I’m really happy with the service we get from Unlimited WP, including the great turnaround time and good communication. The developments you have made for us have really helped us take a leap forward in our business. 

Anthea Major

Absolutely the best group of people you could ever wish to work with.  Friendly, responsive, but most importantly, EXPERT in their craft.  We could always count on their code/service being close to perfect.  Overall a SUPER POSITIVE EXPERIENCE!

David Matenaer

UnlimitedWP is a great company to work with.  They are the perfect partners in helping me grow my business. They respond quickly, stay on task and have gone above and beyond to assist with my project.  I look forward to continued opportunities to work with them again in the future.

Amy Brennan

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WordPress design, development, and care plans to power your agency

Whether your agency is scaling up or managing a steady stream of projects, we have pricing options designed to fit. Explore our recurring plans for consistent, daily development support, ensuring your projects are always moving forward.

Choose Your Plan

Recurring plans are best for agencies looking to hire a dedicated team for everyday help.

6 Hours Daily


3 Hours Daily


1 Hours Daily


What’s included in all plans?

  • Unlimited Tasks
  • New Site Development
  • Unlimited Sites
  • WordPress
  • PPC
  • SEO
See Sample Tasks

How we work?

  • Your Project Management Tool
  • Live Chat / Instant Messaging
  • US Time Zone*
  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • 24-48 Hours Turn-around Time
  • 14-Day Money Back Guarantee

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Need expert WordPress support and maintenance? We’ve got you!

See our commonly asked questions below. Don’t see your question? Get in touch with our friendly team, and we’ll be happy to help.

Can you enhance my current WordPress sites?

Absolutely! We’re all about giving your existing WordPress sites the TLC they need, whether that’s sprucing them up with new features, keeping them running like clockwork, or giving them a boost up the search rankings.

How quickly can you build a new website?

Absolutely! We’re all about giving your existing WordPress sites the TLC they need, whether that’s sprucing them up with new features, keeping them running like clockwork, or giving them a boost up the search rankings.

What services do you offer for maintenance, speed, and SEO?

Absolutely! We’re all about giving your existing WordPress sites the TLC they need, whether that’s sprucing them up with new features, keeping them running like clockwork, or giving them a boost up the search rankings.

Do you handle one-time projects?

Absolutely! We’re all about giving your existing WordPress sites the TLC they need, whether that’s sprucing them up with new features, keeping them running like clockwork, or giving them a boost up the search rankings.

Limitless tasks? Really?

Absolutely! We’re all about giving your existing WordPress sites the TLC they need, whether that’s sprucing them up with new features, keeping them running like clockwork, or giving them a boost up the search rankings.

Which themes and plugins are you familiar with?

Absolutely! We’re all about giving your existing WordPress sites the TLC they need, whether that’s sprucing them up with new features, keeping them running like clockwork, or giving them a boost up the search rankings.

What’s the salary range for a freelance WordPress developer?

Absolutely! We’re all about giving your existing WordPress sites the TLC they need, whether that’s sprucing them up with new features, keeping them running like clockwork, or giving them a boost up the search rankings.

What’s the going hourly rate for WordPress developers?

Absolutely! We’re all about giving your existing WordPress sites the TLC they need, whether that’s sprucing them up with new features, keeping them running like clockwork, or giving them a boost up the search rankings.

What should I keep in mind when hiring a freelance WordPress designer?

Absolutely! We’re all about giving your existing WordPress sites the TLC they need, whether that’s sprucing them up with new features, keeping them running like clockwork, or giving them a boost up the search rankings.

Where’s the best place to find WordPress developers?

Absolutely! We’re all about giving your existing WordPress sites the TLC they need, whether that’s sprucing them up with new features, keeping them running like clockwork, or giving them a boost up the search rankings.