
WooCommerce Checkout Customisation

WooCommerce Checkout Customisation

You’re nearly there…your users are at the last stage in the buying process, the very bottom of the sales funnel, the Checkout Page. Your users have made it this far through your store, you’ve obviously been doing something right (reading my free guides on the rest of WooCommerce Customisation we hope!). Optimising the Checkout Page by customising it is key – it’s a complete waste of time if your users make it this far then abandon the order without paying. The checkout on eCommerce stores can sometimes be the decision when choosing a platform for web designers. I’ve seen a lot of people opt for Shopify because of it’s good UX around the checkout but now it’s WooCommerce’s turn. I’ve put together quite a few guides to customising your WooCommerce Checkout Page for conversions which blow Shopify out of the water! Even the smallest thing like choosing the right colours can influence the choice of whether to complete the checkout form or not. Read my free guides today and turn those (almost) customers into actual, paying customers.

100 WooCommerce Conversion Rate Optimisation Tips

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100 WooCommerce Conversion Rate Optimisation Tips

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