Web agencies are constantly at the risk of losing their client’s trust. As a company grows, so does its exposure – be it from data breaches inside or outside the company. The increasing complexity and volume of cyber-attacks mean that hackers can cause even more substantial losses.

This is why we’ve compiled the finest web security tips for keeping your passwords secure.

Passwords Are Your First Line of Defense

Passwords have been used for centuries. Sentries would challenge those who desire to enter an area to provide a password or watchword, allowing only those who knew the password to pass. But, today, we use usernames and passwords to access digital assets, which are often considered the weakest link in online security.

If this layer of security is compromised, an attacker can log in as that user and obtain access to all the data, thereby wrecking the finances and reputation of any business. Here’s how to prevent being a victim of these types of breaches.

Never Reveal Your Passwords To Others

It’s common for website owners to share their passwords with outsourced partners at some point. For example, you may have hired a web designer to make some changes to your landing page or a content writer to create some blog posts. Unless your partner is trustworthy, sharing passwords is a big mistake. Instead, consider creating a temporary account for them, or allow them limited access. If they need more access than that, insist on changing the password as soon as their work is completed.

Don’t Use The Same Password On Every Website

As we all know, every site requires different passwords. But what if you’re not good at remembering them? Most people fall into the habit of using one password for everything. Don’t do this. It’s a security risk because once hackers figure out your password for one account. They can log in to other accounts using the same password. If they’re successful, not only do they have access to your email account, but also your bank account and any other site where you may have used that same password.

Make The Password More Complex

Password cracking has become much easier and more automated. Which means it’s easier for hackers to try millions of passwords in a minute. This has led many experts to suggest using longer passwords instead of just ones with random characters.

The problem with this approach is that humans are notoriously bad at creating and remembering random character sequences. We use patterns like “qwerty” and “123456” because they’re easy to remember. And we can type them quickly on a standard keyboard.

So, some security experts suggest using long passphrases instead of passwords. For example, create a memorable sentence that includes letters and numbers. Like the secret phrase I use to log into my account — “2 grapefruits eat 5 oranges”. That’s not easy to crack, but it’s easy for me to remember.

Use A Password Manager

The best and easiest way to keep your passwords secure is to use a Password Manager. It is an application that randomly generates a strong password for each account you use and then stores the password in encrypted form. All you need to remember is one master password to get into the password manager app. From there, you can create super-strong passwords and have them automatically filled in for you in any form or app.

There are many different password managers available. Some are free, some are paid. Just make sure the password manager guarantees AES 256 bit encryption or higher. Some examples include LastPass, Dashlane, and KeePass. They store all the different passwords in an encrypted database. In addition, since each account has its encryption key, even if one website is hacked, the others remain safe.

It’s also easy to share access to your passwords with others. You no longer have to send your passwords via text or email or write them down on a piece of paper. You just send a link, which is secure because it’s encrypted, and everyone who has permission to view that account can see the password in the browser window with just one click.

Don’t Use Your Password On A Network You Don’t Know

Be smart about free Wi-Fi at public places like coffee shops, airports, or hospitals. Staying safe on public networks isn’t just about protecting your data from hackers — it’s also about protecting your data from the network itself. When you log into a public network, the owner of that network can see everything you’re doing until you log off. They could capture information like what websites you visit or even see your personal data if you fill out a form or place an order while you’re connected to their network.

Don’t use a public Wi-Fi connection to avoid this risk unless you have to. If you need to connect, use VPNs or stay away from visiting untrusted websites and avoid logging in to any personal accounts (like banking or email) on those public networks.

Online Security Starts With You 

Passwords are a part of our daily lives, whether we like them or not and whether we take them seriously or not. We use them all the time without thinking about them and realizing how vulnerable we are. If you’ve read our tips for keeping your passwords secure, then it’s time to put those tips into action.

The simplest solution is to use a complex password for each of your accounts. Or utilize a password manager to ensure that your passwords are unique and impossible to crack. It’s safe, easy to use, and encrypted, so you don’t need to keep track of all your passwords.