As a digital agency or business owner, are you currently struggling with the challenges of WordPress themes? If so, you’re not alone. 

From new development features to conflicting or outdated support, navigating the world of WordPress themes can be an overwhelming and time-consuming process.

But here’s the good news – help is on hand! In this comprehensive guide, our team is here to discuss 5 common WordPress theme problems and help you resolve them with straightforward, step-by-step tips.

Ready to find out how to skip the headache and get more from your WordPress themes? 

Here are 5 WordPress theme issues our clients commonly struggle with.

1. Choosing Your Theme: Option Overload

When it comes to WordPress themes, one of the biggest challenges is the overwhelming variety of options available. From creating your own theme to using third-party designs, the sheer number of options can make it hard to choose the right one for your website.

So, before you start looking for the perfect page template and jumping straight into block editor, what can you do to ensure you’re choosing the best theme for you or your client?

  • Step 1 – Define your website’s needs: As obvious as it sounds, it’s important to start by identifying the specific requirements of your website. What is its purpose, and what exact features will your theme need to offer? Knowing your website’s goals will help you rule out some non-runners, and narrow down your theme choices early.
  • Step 2 – Be realistic about your development skills: If you plan on creating your own WordPress theme or modifying custom templates provided to you, be sure to assess your own WP development skills first. While many user-friendly tools and block themes are out there, deep customization may require knowledge of HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript.
  • Step 3 – Research and shortlist themes: Organization is key when it comes to choosing WordPress themes. When going through third-party WordPress theme providers or browsing the official WordPress theme repository, we suggest creating comprehensive lists and marking which themes make sense for your client or business type.
  • Step 4 – Read user reviews: As a digital agency or business owner, you’ll already understand the importance of working exclusively with reputable partners. To find them, read user reviews that provide valuable insights into a theme’s performance and quality, and make note of how user-friendly the theme is.
  •  Step 5 – Check theme demos: Developers of premium themes usually offer demos; and trust us, they’re always worth availing of! Be sure to explore these demos to get a feel for how each theme functions and whether it suits your website’s style and requirements. If something feels off, it’s probably best to sidestep that theme and keep looking.
  • Step 6 – Consult experts: If you’re still unsure about which theme to choose, consider seeking advice from WordPress experts or consulting a white-label WordPress development partner. It’s not always easy to know which WordPress themes and providers are the best ones for you, which is why dedicated support can be your best option.

2. Setting Up Your Theme: Conflicting or Outdated Advice

There’s no denying that in the world of WordPress themes, there’s a wealth of knowledge out there to support your theme-seeking journey. But, with so much information at your fingertips, conflicting or outdated advice can lead to confusion. 

Contradictory recommendations about the same theme is a common theme problem. Here’s what to do if you come across it:

  • Step 1 – Check source credibility: Before following any advice, be sure to assess the credibility of the source. Is the advice coming from a trusted and experienced WordPress expert or a premium theme developer? If not, you could waste a significant amount of time trying to implement steps that aren’t accurate.
  • Step 2 – Consider the context of the information: When evaluating WordPress support and advice, consider whether it applies to your specific theme problem. Particularly when it comes to design or usability issues, what works for one website or theme might not be suitable for another. 
  • Step 3 – Cross-reference the advice: To ensure reliability, always cross-reference advice from multiple reputable sources. If several experts recommend the same solution, it’s more likely to be effective and worth investing time in.
  • Step 4 – Consult theme experts: As mentioned, if you encounter conflicting advice and aren’t sure about the right course of action, the best way to save time and effectively resolve your theme issue is to seek direct support. Consider consulting experts who specialize in WordPress themes, but who also offer unbiased and up-to-date support to guide you in the right direction.

3. Adapting Your Theme: Generic WordPress Support

For digital agencies juggling multiple clients or businesses trying to maintain a competitive edge, it’s essential to keep adapting to the evolving needs of website users. 

But, dealing with theme problems can be a real headache, especially when WordPress support sometimes falls short in terms of addressing issues related to your unique business.

To ensure you find the exact WordPress help you’re seeking, we suggest:

  • Step 1 – Identifying the actual issue: While this might seem redundant, it’s important to start by ensuring you’re seeking support for the right problem, from the right WordPress experts. For example, issues relating to coding, design elements, and compatibility will all require different levels of expertise — so it’s important to know what type of specialized support you need.
  • Step 2 – Check for theme developer support: If you believe your theme issue could be simple to fix (e.g., a featured image not displaying or a caching plugin not functioning), your theme developer might be able to help. However, if your theme-related challenge seems more complex, and your theme developer isn’t on hand to help with custom modifications, we suggest skipping to step 4!
  • Step 3 – Leveraging industry-specific communities: If you’re a digital agency or a business owner, chances are others in your field have faced similar WordPress challenges. That’s why joining forums and communities can provide a platform for discussing industry-specific challenges you encounter. While this type of WordPress support generally won’t address your particular theme issue, it can offer insights into how to find the appropriate solution.
  • Step 4 – Partnering with WordPress experts: While trying to navigate WordPress theme issues yourself can be tempting – it can also be a waste of valuable resources. Instead, consider partnering with WordPress development partners who specialize in resolving theme-related issues, and who may even be able to work with your clients as a white-label service provider.

4. Managing Your Theme: Lack of Security & Development Expertise

Even users who’ve been managing WordPress websites for years will encounter their fair share of complex theme problems. From evolving compliance requirements to complex coding issues, you never know what challenges a new WordPress theme might present.

To stay on top of these issues, we suggest:

  • Step 1 – Knowing when to seek assistance: From the start, it’s important to recognize when a theme problem is beyond your current skills. If you find yourself unable to resolve an issue, or if theme settings require extensive development knowledge, it’s time to seek professional help. Even if it’s something as (seemingly!) simple as creating a custom post type, don’t waste time trying to tackle tasks that are better left to the experts.
  • Step 2 – Ensuring theme compatibility: Incompatibility can lead to a variety of issues, so staying up-to-date is crucial. To do this, be sure to regularly update your theme and ensure compatibility with the latest WordPress version. Alternatively, consult a WordPress expert for guidance if you’re unsure about the compatibility status of your current theme.
  • Step 3 – Implementing a testing environment: Before making significant changes to your theme, it can be a good idea to create a testing environment or make use of WordPress’s child theme features. This type of sandbox allows you to experiment without affecting your live website and is a valuable tool for pinpointing issues before they cause disruptions to your clients!
  • Step 4 – Regular backups: As a digital agency or business owner, it’s crucial to maintain regular backups of your website, including your theme files and database. This safety net ensures that you can quickly revert to a previous version of your website in case anything goes wrong during theme adjustments or updates.
  • Step 5 – Managing plugin interactions: When it comes to WordPress themes, it’s important to keep an eye on how your new theme interacts with plugins. Compatibility issues can arise when a plugin installed on your website conflicts with your theme, so be careful not to overload your website with unnecessary plugins that can slow it down or cause problems.
  • Step 6 – Monitoring for updates and security patches: With the importance of web compliance on the rise, staying informed about updates and security patches for your themes is essential. Ignoring these updates can expose your website to vulnerabilities, so always apply updates promptly to ensure your theme is secure and functioning correctly.

5. Enhancing Your Theme: Maximizing Theme Potential

Solving common WordPress theme issues is one thing, but maximizing their potential is where the magic really happens. 

To make the most of your WordPress themes – while avoiding optimization issues – here’s what you should be focusing on:

  • Step 1 – Explore advanced theme features: Whether alone or with the help of a WordPress specialist, begin by thoroughly exploring the more advanced features of your chosen theme. Often, themes come with a range of customization options – from layout settings to color schemes – which is why understanding exactly what your theme can do ahead of time is essential for optimizing it!
  • Step 2 – Mobile responsiveness: With mobile marketing on the rise, it’s crucial to make sure your theme is responsive on various devices. Test your website on smartphones and tablets to guarantee a smooth user experience and reduce the risk of damaging your reputation as a reliable modern service provider.
  • Step 3 – Performance optimization: Faster-loading websites rank better in search engine results and provide a superior user experience. Consider minimizing scripts, optimizing images, and using caching plugins to enhance performance. Managing WordPress themes should be a consistent process for your business — so be sure to regularly keep on top of your website’s performance.
  • Step 4 – Security measures: WordPress themes, especially from third-party providers, are sometimes prone to certain vulnerabilities. This is why it’s vital for you and your web host to never overlook security. We recommend regularly updating your theme to reduce the risk of hacks or information leaks, or placing the management of your WordPress site into the hands of dedicated experts.
  • Step 5 – Seeking support: In-house management of multiple WordPress websites can sometimes be inefficient, costing you time and resources. It’s essential to recognize when you need support as early as possible to avoid running into bigger problems later. Look for experienced professionals who can provide expert assistance in managing your WordPress websites and themes more effectively.

Partner with UnlimitedWP for a Better WordPress Experience

Want to say goodbye to common theme problems for good and optimize your entire WordPress experience? If so, the team at UnlimitedWP is here to provide support every step of the way. 

From resolving simple issues with custom post types to providing full-service WordPress development expertise, we specialize in making the entire WordPress experience easy for digital agencies and businesses in fast-paced industries. Also, by providing white-label WordPress development services, we can work directly with your clients, tailoring our services to suit both you, and your clients’ needs.

With a low fixed monthly cost and a team of committed WordPress developers at your service, we’re here to make your WordPress journey smoother and more successful.

Reach out to UnlimitedWP and book a FREE demo call with us today.