You know by now that running a digital agency means overcoming new challenges and hurdles every single day, especially when it comes to WordPress development projects. 

Sometimes, doing it alone can be difficult. 

So, you need a pro – an expert – to take care of things for you. Someone you can call in to organize any WordPress feature development problem so you can return to what matters most: your agency. 

But, sometimes, it might be tempting to ask one of your team members to take care of that WordPress project for you, even if they’re not well-versed in the ways of WordPress feature development

We get it, we do. It’s cheaper and just easier to reach out to somebody you already have on hand. But even if these people ‘know’ WordPress or are familiar with it, they’re probably not a true expert, especially in development. They likely don’t know the platform inside and out, and they might just make your problem worse or delay your project from the start. 

So, before you start delegating tasks to the nearest member of your team, take a moment to read today’s article on why only WordPress experts should be undertaking feature development on your website. 

Why Should You Avoid Handing Over Your WordPress Feature Development Project to Your In-house Team?

You’ve realized by now that you need more support for your WordPress projects. You want to get projects completed, over the line, and approved by your clients, but there are only so many things you can do at one time. So help is needed! 

We’ve noticed that many companies opt to hire in-house. It’s more cost-effective, and they’re concerned about outsourcing to another company. 

Which is understandable!

But, when you hire in-house or delegate WordPress tasks to an employee you already have, you could also be handing over your project to somebody who doesn’t have the expertise necessary to handle it. 

This can cause a lot of difficulties, like:

  • Projects delayed due to on-the-job learning 
  • Extra time spent training in-house staff 
  • More mistakes are made due to a lack of experience 
  • Installing the wrong plugins
  • Site security issues

Consider Hiring a Team of WordPress Developers and Experts Instead!

There’s no shame in admitting your in-house team might not have all the solutions to your WordPress project’s needs. Your projects deserve a certain level of expertise, and if your current team can’t provide it, then it’s a good idea to search for a WordPress professional or team of professionals to hire. 

They’ll bring many unique and niche skills to your agency, complementing your team’s work and speeding up projects. 

Plus, when you hire a WordPress expert or agency, you’ll get a lot of other unique benefits like:

  • Cost-Effective Hiring: You don’t have to pay regular salaries, allowing you to budget those funds elsewhere.
  • Diverse Skill Sets: WordPress agencies will have developers, designers, SEO experts, security experts, and more.
  • More Time: When you don’t have to train or manage in-house staff, you’re free to focus on more pressing tasks.
  • Opportunities to Scale: When you have a whole team of WordPress experts at your fingertips, projects have the support they need to grow.

Outsourcing your WordPress projects to a WordPress development and management agency will allow you to complete them on time and cost-effectively. 

But what makes a WordPress expert, and how do you know if you’re actually hiring a team of experts or wasting your time? 

What Makes Someone a WordPress Expert, Anyway?

We’re talking a lot about WordPress experts, but we haven’t had a chance to highlight what makes a WordPress expert an expert. 

An expert WordPress developer has years of experience honing their WordPress skills to provide agencies like yours with the help they need to thrive. They help you get projects across the line in perfect condition and will support, manage, design, and optimize your WordPress sites! 

There are many WordPress experts out there. Some specialize in plugin or theme development; others are devoted to keeping websites secure and well-maintained throughout the year. 

If you decide to work with a WordPress agency, you’ll gain access to a whole roster of experts, including: 

If you’re looking for a talented and experienced WordPress developer to develop features for your website or one of your clients’ websites, hiring an expert dedicated to development is the perfect solution. 

Want to learn more about the variety of WordPress experts there are? Go through our previous blog by clicking here.

Why hire a WordPress expert for feature development on your website? 

We see you’re still not convinced about hiring a WordPress expert for feature development on your website. 

That’s entirely fair; we get it. Trust isn’t an easy thing to win over, but before you’re completely set on hiring in-house, take a look at these 5 benefits of hiring a WordPress development expert. 

1. Expertise

It goes without saying that an expert is going to have expertise, and in this case, it’s all about development. The developer you hire will have specialized knowledge and skills to offer you and your team. 

Thanks to their years of extensive experience, they’ll easily be able to craft high-quality websites with all the features you and your clients require. You’ll never miss out on a particular feature because your WordPress development expert will have your back throughout the project. 

2. Unlimited Customization 

WordPress is used by 43.0% of all websites

I don’t think we have to tell you that that is quite a lot of websites. 

With so many sites on the internet, there’s often a lot of overlap regarding design and style. If you’re developing your site’s features by yourself or working with an inexperienced developer, you might end up with little more than a preset template. There’s nothing wrong with a template – many of them do the job just fine. But when you want to stand out in a sea of competition, it’s better to have something more unique on your side, and with the help of an expert WordPress feature developer, you’ll be able to achieve just that. 

You have all the freedom to modify your site to align well with your agency’s brand and showcase what sets you apart.

3. Save Your Time and Cost

Hiring a WordPress developer will save you valuable time and money. 

You won’t have to train them, and they can efficiently handle the entire development process for you. With all their experience, they will be able to finish the development projects in the desired time and within your decided budget, thus enabling you to focus more on the most critical aspects of your business. 

4. Plugin Development 

A WordPress developer can create custom plugins to improve user experience and functionality or streamline your operations. 

Custom plugins are perfect for giving you and your clients the edge you need to succeed in the competitive world of business in the Internet age.

5. Built with Scalability in Mind

Expert WordPress developers always consider scalability. They build a website’s solid foundation to be expanded and improved for future growth. 

So, no matter what your future needs and clients’ goals are, your websites will be able to adapt to meet them! 

Work with the Only Expert WordPress Developers You’ll Need

Partnering with a leading agency for your WordPress feature development is crucial to standing out from the competition and ensuring that you meet the demands of your clients. 

It’s essential to join forces with a WordPress agency with the years of experience necessary to provide you and your clients with the services you need to succeed in the competitive world of the internet. 

But which agency should you partner with?

At UnlimitedWP, we provide custom WordPress services designed to elevate your business, meet project deadlines, and help you succeed online. 

With over 2,000 completed projects and a team of 100+ WordPress experts, we offer a diverse skill set designed to provide you with the expertise you need for any project you have on your plate. 

Book a demo call now to discover how cost-effective and highly specialized we are to your WordPress requirements.