We’re well and truly living in the digital age.

Although it’s an exciting landscape to navigate, it’s not without the challenges.

As a result of insatiable demand, the market is absolutely saturated, making it difficult to know who you can and can’t trust online.

Just about anyone can claim to be an expert in WordPress site development. But the reality is, they’re not all skilled developers – some are just looking to make a little extra cash without the ability to deliver a quality WordPress website to their clients.

Why Is It So Important to Find a Professional WordPress Developer for Your Website?

You know that your company’s website is often the first impression potential customers have of your business, allowing it to act as your 24/7 background salesperson – and the same goes for your clients.

Given that it takes just 0.05 seconds for visitors to form their opinion on your website, there’s not much room for error if your clients want to impress their audiences and convert them into loyal customers.

So, when it comes to building and managing websites – especially for multiple clients – you want to be 100% certain the work you deliver can pull its weight and represent your business as a trustworthy, professional source.

A poorly-designed and developed WordPress website can cause:

  • Slow loading speeds
  • Barriers to information
  • Issues with content
  • High bounce rates
  • Poor user experience
  • Low search engine ranking

Ultimately, all of these factors lead to your company losing credibility, users abandoning the website out of frustration, and fewer sales and conversions, as 88% of people will not revisit a website after a bad experience.

As the go-to platform for website development, you’re making the right call by choosing WordPress to power your website and help you meet your clients’ expectations.

But when it’s time to find a professional to take care of website and WordPress development, how do you spot the true WordPress experts among those merely riding the wave?

Here are our top 5 things to look out for before you hire a WordPress developer.

1. They Don’t Just Talk the Talk

If you’re not used to the language used around web design and development, it’s easy to feel a little overwhelmed when discussing your upcoming project with a web developer.

However, true professionals know how to explain even the most complex aspects of a WordPress website simply without using jargon to blindside you.

The best WordPress experts don’t just build websites; they solve problems efficiently and quickly using strategies they’ve developed through experience.

Whether it’s fixing a bug, resolving compatibility issues, or optimizing site speed, their problem-solving skills are so adept that they can determine what needs to be done to enhance or fix your website instantly.

2. Knowledge That Goes Beyond Basic WordPress Themes

When getting ready to build a website, it’s essential to look for someone who offers in-depth WordPress development services, so you’ll wind up with a fully customized, high-performing website.

If you’re going to hire a professional to do the job, you want them to go beyond relying on pre-built templates, right?

Expert WordPress developers craft websites that stand out with advanced plugin development, customizable themes, and APIs (external tools and software) to enhance user experience.

Look for developers who use these sophisticated tools to create a custom plugin or theme to adapt WordPress to your unique needs rather than trying to fit within the restrictions of generic templates.

3. Coding Is Second Nature to Them

Any website’s ability to perform relies heavily on its code.

Coding might be a load of gibberish to you (understandably!). But, the ability to dive deep into code is a clear sign of a true WordPress expert, so it’s absolutely essential that your WordPress developer is fluent in the language of code.

True WordPress whizzes can optimize your website’s codebase for performance by removing any unnecessary data without taking away from its functionality. They’re comfortable with PHP, CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, so they can troubleshoot issues and find solutions fast.

In such a quickly advancing industry, the ideal WordPress developer will always have their finger on the pulse of the latest industry standards when it comes to code, so your clients’ websites always stay ahead of the curve and in good condition.

4. They’ve Got a Growth Mindset

A great website isn’t a one-and-done job. It requires ongoing support and maintenance so that it can continue to perform well, and get your clients’ businesses noticed online.

Professionals who are committed to creating high-level websites are in it for the long haul. They’ll be able to manage your clients’ sites as needed to grow with their business, handle more traffic, and seamlessly keep up with the ever-changing times.

On top of being fully invested in the WordPress platform, the good ones keep up with all the latest trends in web development, SEO, and website security.

The digital landscape is constantly evolving at a rapid pace, and true experts embrace lifelong learning. They’re able to adapt, ensuring the websites you deliver are always cutting-edge and future-proof – no matter what.

5. Engaged in the WordPress community

You’re super invested in your business and giving your best to your clients, so you need the support of someone as passionate about their industry as you are.

When shopping around for a WordPress developer, always watch for those actively engaging in the WordPress community.

If they’re genuinely interested in their work (and therefore in yours), they’ll be out there contributing knowledge to WordPress forums, attending or hosting workshops, creating awesome WordPress content in the form of blogs, podcasts, and videos, and maybe even participating in the development of WordPress itself.

It’s fair to take it as a major green flag that you may have stumbled across a true WordPress expert if they’re actively involved in their community. This tells you they’re committed to growth, staying connected, and learning from their peers.

Looking to Hire WordPress Developers Who Really Know Their Stuff?

These days, just about everyone online is claiming to be able to build a website.

Between finding a real professional, you can trust to do a great job and that you get along with on a personal level, you’ve got a lot on your plate before you even get started.

By sticking to our top 5 insider tips outlined above, you’ll be able to separate the true WordPress experts from those who do it as a part-time gig. Moreover, you will be able to hire WordPress experts with great confidence.

Or, if you’d rather skip the whole ordeal of researching and finding a WordPress developer online, why not hire UnlimitedWP to build and manage your custom, high-end websites for you?

When you work with us, you get direct access to the best WordPress developers in the industry who have already successfully completed over 2000+ projects for clients around the globe.

Plus, there are over 100 of us, so you’re guaranteed to find the ideal fit for your needs.

Book a demo call with a WordPress expert at UnlimitedWP today, and let’s create something truly special.