Scaling up is the ultimate goal of many digital agency owners. However, with tight resources and fierce competition, the goal of expansion often seems out of reach. But what if there was a way to grow your services, boost client retention, and increase revenue—without overwhelming your team or stretching your budget?

That’s where white label WordPress SEO services come into play.

These services can unlock new growth opportunities for your agency, allowing you to expand your offerings without the typical growing pains. Imagine adding expert SEO to your roster, delivering class-leading results to clients, and enhancing your reputation, all while keeping your costs in check.

Intrigued? You should be.

In the sections that follow, we’ll explore what white label WordPress SEO is, how to integrate it into your services, and why it’s a game-changer for scaling your agency. Whether you’re aiming to attract new clients, add value to existing ones, or boost your bottom line, these strategies can help you succeed.

Ready to discover the key to scaling your agency with white label WordPress SEO services? Let’s dive in.

What Are White Label WordPress SEO Services?

White-label WordPress SEO services are provided by digital agencies on behalf of other agencies. 

The way it works is simple. 

Agency A takes on a contract to provide SEO support for a client. They then hire Agency B to provide that support under Agency A’s branding and according to their standards and processes. 

That’s the basic definition in a nutshell, but allow us to make it even clearer by breaking this down into its key components: 

WordPress SEO Services 

WordPress is the most widely used Content Management System in the world, serving as the driving force behind 478 billion websites. So there’s a good chance that a high portion of your target client base uses it to run their site.

WordPress SEO is all about applying tried-and-tested Search Engine Optimization techniques in a way that’s optimized for the WordPress environment, helping your clients to increase their presence in search results, drive more traffic, and boost conversion rates.

White label 

White-label companies provide services on behalf of other digital agencies like yours. 

When a new client request comes in, the work is outsourced to a third party who fulfills that request as if they were working for your agency. That means. all the work is completed, branded, and invoiced as if it were done in-house by your business.

For example, say a client asks for your help completing a technical SEO audit, but you don’t have the capacity or capability to do the work yourself, at least not to the high standard your agency is known for.

This leaves you with a few options. Either: 

  • Turn down the request, forcing the client to go elsewhere and risk losing their business entirely. Or;
  • Agree to ‘give it a shot’ and take on an assignment that is beyond your scope, meaning not only are you taking on more work than you can handle, but also that you risk completing a project that falls short of the normally excellent work the client has come to expect from you. 

Obviously, neither of these options is ideal, which is where white-label services come into play, providing a third alternative.

Instead of risking the loss of a valuable client and putting your reputation on the line, you pass on the project to an outsourced white label services provider who does all the work for you following your branding and quality assurance processes.

Clients see that the work is done, are happy with the results, and benefit from what appears to be your agency’s SEO team, even though that team is technically based outside your company.

How to Grow Your Agency with White Label SEO Services

Now that we’ve discussed the value white-label SEO provides, it’s time to explore how you can leverage that value to scale your agency, bring in new clients, and maximize revenue.

Expand Service Offerings Without Hiring

It may be that you already provide some level of SEO support to your clients, but not enough to help them gain a competitive advantage. 

This is where outsourcing to a white label SEO provider can really pay off. 

It allows you to broaden your service offer, expanding into new territory such as technical optimization or helping clients strengthen their backlink profile, ultimately generating more revenue for your business. 

Of course, you could always do this in-house, but think of what that requires:

  • Posting job ads
  • Vetting candidates
  • Onboarding
  • On-going staff management. 

All those things take time away from focusing on growing your agency. 

Outsource the work instead, and you’ll have a ready-made team of top SEO talent that has already been recruited and vetted for you. 

Reduce Costs with Outsourced SEO

Hiring internally isn’t just a time-consuming process, it’s also expensive. 


Source: Indeed

Although exact figures vary from source to source, the average annual salary for an SEO specialist ranges from $64,000 $67,000 per year.

That’s before you even consider the cost of recruiting and onboarding. 

We used a cost-to-hire calculator to estimate the cost of bringing on a new hire for a small agency using the following criteria:

  • Company size – Less than 100
  • Number of job sites used to post a recruitment ad – 3 (LinkedIn, Indeed, ZipRecruiter)
  • Number of candidates interviewed – 7
  • Type of test done in the interview – skills test. 

The calculator predicted the total cost of our hypothetical recruitment to be $1,904.94


Source: Sparks Group

You can use the Sparks Group Cost-to-Hire Calculator yourself to work out the total cost to your agency of hiring an internal SEO specialist, but for the sake of this example, let’s go with that $1,904 figure and do a simple calculation of our own:

Recruitment Cost: $1,904.94 +

Salary: $64,000 =

Total: $65,904.04

Just shy of $66,000 to bring a new SEO hire into the fold and pay them for a year.

Now, compare that to the cost of outsourcing SEO services instead.


Most white label agencies offer comprehensive monthly SEO packages. In our case, they range from $749 – $3,599 per month. 

  • $749 per month for 12 months = $8,988.
  • $3,599 per month for 12 months = $43,188.

That leaves you with two choices:

  1. Recruit internally and pay a year’s salary at $65,904.04 or;
  2. Use a white label SEO agency for $8,988 – $43,188. 

Go with the agency, and you have the potential to save between $22,716 and $56,916.

That’s a significant amount of money that can be reinvested into other strategies for scaling your agency while still being able to expand your services and cater to both new and existing customers alike. 

Boost Client Retention with Quality Results

In this digitally-driven economy, your clients have more options than ever to market their products or services and attract new customers. 

Yet even with so many different tools, platforms, and strategies at their disposal, Search Engine Optimization remains vitally important to their success.


Source: Backlinko

After all, close to half of all web traffic comes from organic search, while pages that rank first in search results for a specific search query receive 27.6% of all clicks for that query.

In other words, there’s a need out there for high-quality SEO services that give your clients a competitive advantage. 

If your agency isn’t well-placed to meet those needs, your clients are simply going to have to go elsewhere. 

That’s a hassle for them, and a problem for you. 

Not only are you missing out on a valuable source of revenue, you also run the risk that once-loyal clients may jump ship altogether if the quality of service they receive rivals your own.

By bringing in the support of a white label agency, you mitigate that risk by saving clients the trouble of finding an SEO agency and delivering your usual high-quality work, retaining their loyalty as a result. 

Increase Profit Margin

The fact that outsourced SEO services are less expensive than those provided in-house presents a welcome opportunity to raise profit margins without actually raising prices beyond the market average. 

Think about it: 

We’ve already determined that using a white label agency can save between $22,000+ and $55,000+ compared to the cost of providing in-house services. 

Those figures mean you can still offer competitive pricing to your clients without eating into your profit margins.

Imagine you have two main competitors who offer SEO services. One competitor charges $5,000 per month, while the other charges $7,000 per month.

You, on the other hand, outsource SEO projects, which typically cost around $3,000 per month.

You can charge a competitive price of $6,000 per month, with a markup of $3,000. This means you’re offering a competitive price while still maintaining a healthy profit margin.

Create Recurring Revenue

Maintaining a high standard of SEO is certainly not a case of doing something once and forgetting all about it. 

The evolving nature of search algorithms, combined with the need to produce fresh content on a regular basis means there’s always work to be done. 

New keywords need to be researched and implemented, shifting content structures produce broken links that need to be attended to, and technical SEO elements such as page speed, security, and usability need to be monitored and -occasionally- fine-tuned. 

This presents a golden opportunity for your business. 

By offering ongoing SEO packages, you not only have the chance to keep delivering value for your clients, but also to produce a steady stream of recurring income. 

Monthly support plans can serve as the proverbial bread and butter of your business, keeping things afloat while you spend your time going after those lucrative, game-changing contracts and exploring new revenue streams.

Focus on Core Strengths

Following on from that last point, having another team handle SEO work for your clients frees up you and your team to really focus on what they do best. 

Sure, that WordPress developer on your payroll may have a good understanding of strategic keyword placement and on-page SEO elements, but the real reason you hired them is for their excellent coding ability.

So, any time they focus on WordPress SEO services, they do not play to their strengths and, thus, do not provide maximum value for your agency. 

Offload those tasks to a white label partner, and that developer has more time to really knock their next project out of the park. 

This applies as much to you as an agency owner as it does to those who work for you. 

It’s not just that you don’t have to do the work yourself. The real benefit is that you don’t have to invest as much time and energy managing an in-house team. This allows you to focus more of your time, energy, and attention on the bigger picture, implementing the kind of strategies that really allow you to scale further and faster.

Gain Competitive Advantage

So far, we’ve talked a lot about the cost of providing WordPress SEO services from a personal standpoint, but let’s not forget that the most effective Search Engine Optimization work often requires expensive tools and unique expertise. 


Specialist SEO owners already have all the knowledge, resources, and tools you’ll need to provide a superior service than your competitors at a fraction of the cost.

This gives you a distinct unique selling point, making you a more attractive option in the eyes of your competitors.

Attract Niche Clients

White label WordPress SEO services not only expand your service offer to your existing target audience, they also open doors to new markets. 

For example, you could position yourself as a provider of specialist SEO support tailored to a specific industry such as SaaS startups, consultancies, or businesses in the health sector. 

Alternatively, you might leverage your new-found WordPress SEO partner to expand into previously untapped local markets by pitching yourself as a go-to for local search optimization. 

Whatever niche market you go for, this is an ideal way to expand your client base and stand out from your competitors.

How to Leverage White Label WordPress SEO Services to Scale Your Agency: The Bottom Line 

Ultimately, the major benefit of a white label SEO service is that it allows your agency to do more with less. 

You can target more markets, offer more services, and attract more clients with fewer overheads and time-consuming management tasks to handle. 

This puts you in a unique position to begin scaling your agency, not only bringing in more direct revenue from sales of SEO support packages but also leaving you and your team free to focus on other growth strategies. 

Thinking of making the move? Discover how our monthly white label WordPress SEO packages can save you time and money while helping you take your business to the next level.