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The agency’s playbook for hiring WordPress experts

How to know it’s time to call in a WordPress expert and hire the right WordPress expert to handle everything from design to care.

What you need to know before bringing in the WordPress experts

You know the drill. Running an agency means there’s always a new challenge around the corner when it comes to WordPress projects, and sometimes, you need to call in the WordPress experts to take the pressure off. You need a professional . Someone who doesn’t just ‘do’ WordPress, but a true expert ‘knows’ it, inside and out.

This guide’s got you covered. It’s about pinpointing that WordPress expert — the one who’ll not only meet your needs but will knock your client’s socks off. We’ll walk you through how to spot authentic WordPress experts for hire, the perfect timing to bring them into the fold, and just how their skills can elevate your work.

Ready to give your agency that edge?

What makes someone a WordPress expert anyway?

Finding a WordPress expert for hire who really knows their stuff isn’t easy. You’ve got plenty of WordPress and web development professionals waving the ‘expert’ flag, but you need the kind of person who stands out for all the right reasons. It’s about finding someone who doesn’t just use WordPress, but also contributes to it in a meaningful way. Let’s talk about what to look for so you can spot a genuine WordPress expert from a mile away.

Site strategists

The best WordPress experts can take one look at a website and pinpoint what needs to be fixed or improved. They turn problems into progress and can explain it without all the jargon.

API masterminds

They take those tricky external tools and make them work with WordPress like they were made for each other, crafting a user experience that feels effortless.

Plugin pros

They’re not just using plugins; they’re creating them. If they’ve got WordPress plugins with their name on them, you know they’ve got skills that stand up to the test.

Code crafters

Bonafide WordPress experts can slim down a site’s codebase without losing an ounce of functionality while keeping ahead of the latest industry standards.

Growth gurus

Real WordPress experts plan for the long haul, making sure a site can grow with the business, handle more traffic, and seamlessly keep up with the times.

Industry voices

WordPress experts are out there sharing their knowledge, whether that’s speaking at WordCamps, writing for industry blogs, contributing to WordPress communities, or hosting workshops.

5 signs it’s time for your agency to hire WordPress experts

Running an agency means wearing many hats, and sometimes, the fit isn’t quite perfect. If you’re feeling the pinch when it comes to WordPress design, development, or maintenance, it might be time to consider hiring a WordPress expert. Here’s how to tell when it’s time to reach out for that extra expertise to keep your projects running smoothly and your clients happy.


There’s no shame in acknowledging that your internal WordPress team might not have all the answers. When your projects begin to demand a level of expertise that your current roster can’t provide, it’s wise to look for a WordPress expert for hire. They bring the niche skills and advanced knowledge that can complement your team’s talents and speed up projects.


If your agency’s workload shows extreme highs and lows, that unpredictability can wreak havoc on your scheduling and cash flow. WordPress experts can absorb the shock of those peaks, bringing stability to your team’s workflow and ensuring every client project gets the attention it deserves, regardless of how busy things get.


It’s a slippery slope when ‘good enough’ starts to replace ‘WordPress best practices’ in your agency’s vocabulary. If you find that the hustle to keep up is causing your standards to slip, it’s time to enlist WordPress experts. They’ll have the up-to-date best practices down to a science, ensuring you don’t compromise on quality.


There’s no shame in acknowledging that your internal WordPressWordpress team might not have all the answers. When your projects begin to demand a level of expertise that your current roster can’t provide, it’s wise to look for a WordPress expert for hire. They bring the niche skills and advanced knowledge that can complement your team’s talents and speed up projects.


When workloads are unpredictable, the fixed costs of full-time WordPress hires can be daunting. Contracting WordPress experts offer a leaner solution, matching skilled support to your current demand without the long-term financial commitment. It’s a smart way to keep your agency agile and cost-effective.

What kind of WordPress experts can you hire?

There’s a time for general WordPress know-how, and a time for specialist WordPress skills. This guide is for those moments when only a WordPress expert with a very particular set of skills will do — because they bring the exact expertise you need to elevate your client’s project from good to exceptional.

Precision matters in SEO, and a WordPress SEO expert brings exactly that. They have the advanced skills to boost your client’s visibility, ensuring the site not only gets found, but also gets the attention it deserves.

  • Advanced SEO techniques:

    For the latest SEO strategies tailored to the WordPress platform.
  • Tailored content strategies:

    To create content plans that connect SEO practices with your client’s messaging.
  • In-depth performance analysis:

    For a comprehensive review of SEO health and actionable insights.
  • Strategic keyword implementation:

    When you need a thoughtful approach to keyword integration.
  • Long-term SEO planning:
    For ongoing SEO efforts that adapt with the market and keep your clients ahead.

When complex issues arise, a WordPress support expert is just who you need. They bring clarity to complex issues, ensuring your clients’ sites run smoothly, backed by deep technical knowledge and a problem-solving mindset.

  • Complex technical challenges:

    To solve intricate WordPress problems with ease.
  • Expert guidance:

    For providing your clients with knowledgeable support on advanced features.
  • Custom functionality troubleshooting:

    When unique site features need a careful, expert touch.
  • Detailed problem-solving:

    For a methodical approach to diagnosing and resolving site issues.
  • High-level support:

    To offer responsive, expert care that upholds the reputation of your services.

In the face of online threats, a WordPress security expert is your frontline defense. They understand the latest security concerns, and safeguard your clients’ sites against them with advanced security measures.

  • Advanced security measures:

    To implement and manage sophisticated security protocols for WordPress sites.
  • Custom security strategies:

    For crafting security solutions that fit your clients’ specific needs.
  • Handling sensitive data:

    When your clients’ websites manage sensitive information and need extra protection.
  • Thorough security evaluations:

    For identifying and shoring up potential security gaps.
  • Emergency security situations:

    To swiftly address and mitigate security breaches with expertise.

WordPress design experts are the go-to when your client’s site needs a visual edge. They bring a deep understanding of design principles to create sites that are as visually appealing as they are functional.

  • Unique brand representation:

    To craft a design that captures the unique essence of a brand.
  • User experience focus: 

    For designing intuitive and engaging user interfaces that drive conversions.
  • Creative design solutions:

    When you need innovative design elements that set your clients apart.
  • Strategic design planning:

    To align the design with a long-term vision for your client’s online presence.
  • Interactive prototypes:

    For building and testing high-fidelity prototypes to perfect the user interface before launch.
wordpress design

A WordPress accessibility expert ensures that everyone can use the sites you build, using their expertise to make sites usable by people with a wide range of abilities.

  • Accessibility best practices:

    For integrating advanced accessibility features that go beyond the basics.
  • Expert accessibility reviews:

    To evaluate and improve how accessible a site is for all users.
  • Compliance with accessibility laws:

    When you need to ensure that sites meet all legal accessibility standards.
  • Redesign for accessibility:
    For updates or redesigns that prioritize accessibility from the ground up.
  • User testing for accessibility:

    To conduct thorough testing with real users to uncover and address accessibility issues.

A WordPress maintenance expert keeps your clients’ sites in top condition, applying their knowledge to ensure the site stays updated, secure, and running smoothly long after launch.

  • Comprehensive site care:

    For regular upkeep and optimization of complex WordPress sites.
  • Strategic maintenance planning:

    To develop and execute a maintenance strategy that supports your clients’ goals.
  • Performance optimization:

    For fine-tuning sites to deliver the fastest and most reliable experience.
  • Maintenance for growth:

    To ensure maintenance tasks support a growing business and evolving website needs.
  • Advanced monitoring:

    For setting up systems that keep an eye on the site’s health around the clock.

WordPress migration experts are the ones you turn to when you need to move a site. They have the skills to ensure a smooth transition, no matter how complex the migration scenario.

  • Complicated site moves:

    For managing the nuances of moving large and complex WordPress sites seamlessly.
  • Careful data handling: 

    Maintaining data integrity and security throughout migration.
  • Tailored migration planning:

    For migrations that require custom solutions to meet specific client needs.
  • Post-migration support:

    To ensure the site functions perfectly in its new environment.
  • Strategic site transfers:

    When moving a site is part of a larger strategic business move.

A WordPress speed optimization expert knows that speed is key. They use their advanced skills to cut down loading times, ensuring a swift and smooth experience for your clients’ website visitors.

  • Site speed revitalization:

    For in-depth optimization to significantly boost website speed.
  • Technical consultation:

    To get expert advice on the best ways to improve a site’s performance.
  • Handling high traffic:

    When your client’s website must perform flawlessly under the pressure of high visitor numbers.
  • Optimizing complex sites:

    For fine-tuning resource-heavy sites to run efficiently.
  • Mobile performance tuning:

    To ensure the site delivers a fast, responsive experience on mobile devices.

The jack-of-all-trades in your toolkit, an unlimited WordPress expert, like our experts here at UnlimitedWP, can handle a diverse workload, bringing a wealth of skills for everything WordPress, matched with a deep understanding of the platform.

  • Broad project range:

    For handling a variety of WordPress tasks across multiple projects.
  • Adaptable skills:

    When you need someone who can quickly shift between different WordPress challenges.
  • Support during peak times:

    For times when your workload spikes and you need reliable WordPress expertise.
  • Wide-ranging WordPress skills: 

    To confidently address any WordPress-related task that comes up.
  • Scalable WP support:

    When project scopes fluctuate and require a flexible and knowledgeable response.

When a project’s scope is grand, you need an expert WordPress development team, a group of skilled WordPress developers like those at UnlimitedWP who work together to build sophisticated solutions for your most demanding clients.

  • Large-scale development needs:
    For ambitious projects that one developer can’t handle alone.
  • Diverse technical skills: 

    When you need a variety of technical expertise to cover all aspects of a project.
  • Fully customized platforms:

    For creating WordPress sites that are completely unique to your client’s business.
  • Continuous development support:

    To have a dedicated team that evolves and grows with your client’s site.
  • Strategic development insights:

    When you need developers who think beyond code to what’s best for the project’s success.
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Ready to simplify your workflow? Hire the WordPress experts

Relieve the pressure: Partner with our WordPress experts

We’re here for 200+ digital agencies that need to nail every client project without the fuss of hiring more WordPress staff. Whether it’s theme customizations, full site builds, or anything in between, we’ve got the experience of 100+ WordPress experts to back up our expertise — over 1,000 projects and counting.

Unlimited WordPress expertise

With our skilled WordPress experts, your agency gains the muscle to tackle any project, big or small.

Financial flexibility

Get the team of proven WordPress experts you need at a price that makes sense, with plans designed for agencies of all sizes.

Quality without question

Your projects deserve the best, and our WordPress experts are committed to delivering premium WordPress work every time.

Workflows that work

Integrate our team of WordPress experts into your processes with ease, thanks to our streamlined approach to collaboration.

Dependable delivery

We’re in the business of building trust—one project at a time. Count on us for reliable WordPress services.

Support that stands by you

Need help solving challenges with your clients’ sites? Our WordPress support experts are here to tackle it head-on.

Everything our WordPress experts include in your plan

When you pick a plan with UnlimitedWP, you’re not just accessing sought-after WordPress experts — you’re choosing a partnership that brings daily dedication to your digital projects. Our full-time WordPress experts, fixed monthly prices, and commitment to your satisfaction mean we’re all-in on making your agency’s work stand out – all under your brand name.

  • Full WordPress Site Builds
  • Website Redesigns
  • Conversion-Focused Landing Pages
  • PSD to HTML Conversion
  • PSD to WordPress Implementation
  • Page Builder Customization
  • Theme Tailoring
  • Plugin Tweaks
  • Regular Theme and Plugin Updates
  • Speed Enhancements
  • SEO Enhancements
  • E-commerce Integrations
  • WooCommerce Setups
  • Advanced Custom Fields Configuration
  • Sales Funnel Construction
  • Custom Feature Creation
  • Ongoing Site Care
  • Custom PHP Programming
  • Shopify Builds
  • Graphic Design Services
  • Ad Campaign Management

Clear pricing, and amazing results from proven WordPress experts

With UnlimitedWP, you’re investing in a partnership that values clear pricing and expert WordPress services. Whether you’re after a few hours of help each day or a full-time team effort, our plans are designed to match your agency’s needs without breaking the bank. Here’s how our pricing stacks up to give you the best bang for your buck.

  • Starter plan:
    1-2 hours of expert help every day at $749 a month — perfect for agencies needing consistent, reliable assistance from WordPress experts.
  • Pro plan:

    3-4 hours daily at $1,497 a month — ideal for growing agencies that want a professional touch on every project from the WordPress experts.
  • Business plan:

    6-8 hours of comprehensive support from WordPress experts every day at $2,997 a month — for agencies ready to expand their offerings and scale up fast.

Why digital agencies love UnlimitedWP

See what they think about outsourcing WordPress care to our expert team.

World-class experience.

The Unlimited WP team were so responsive and answered all of my questions with ease. I am a professional that is very familiar with the website building process and the amount of work that was able to get done was astonishing. The team is so efficient, knowledgeable, and friendly.

All projects were completed with ease. Thank you!


UnlimitedWP provides really great service. If you are an agency owner, and are responsible for service on WordPress websites, I would recommend a conversation with their team. They can help you save time, while providing a high level of expert service to your clients. We’re constantly amazed at how quickly they deliver on tasks, and we love that we get daily updates.

– Janice Christopher

We love working with UnlimitedWP, they have the best support for WordPress websites. We recommend them without hesitation!

– Jacob Pilon

Want an entire team of WordPress experts supporting your agency? We’ve got you!

See our commonly asked questions below. Don’t see your question? Get in touch with our friendly team, and we’ll be happy to help.

How do WordPress experts choose the right theme for my clients’ websites?

When you’re picking a theme for a client’s site, the WordPress expert you hire will get right to the heart of your client’s brand and goals by assessing these 5 key factors:

  1. Brand alignment:

    WordPress experts will look for WordPress themes that offer flexibility to match your client’s unique style and voice.
  2. Device optimization:

    The WordPress expert will consider responsiveness a non-negotiable factor in WordPress theme selection to prioritize a seamless experience for mobile users.
  3. SEO-friendly themes:
    The WordPress expert you hire will zero in on themes optimized for SEO to help your client’s content shine in search results.
  4. High-performing themes:
    Performance is always on a WordPress expert’s radar, too — they know a swift-loading site keeps users happy and engaged.
  5. Plugin compatibility:
    The WordPress expert will test for compatibility with essential plugins to ensure smooth sailing as the site grows and evolves.
Why should only WordPress experts develop features on my clients’ websites?

For feature development, it’s crucial to bring in someone who’s got the skills to match their ambition. WordPress experts will ensure any custom features perfectly align  with your client’s business strategy and integrate smoothly without causing conflicts.

They stay ahead of WordPress updates, coding with the future in mind to save you from costly do-overs. An expert doesn’t just deliver a feature; they deliver peace of mind, knowing it’s built to perform today and adapt tomorrow. WordPress experts will also protect your agency’s reputation by offering high-quality, reliable features that keep your clients coming back.

How do I manage tasks with your team?

You’ve got flexibility when working with us. Whether you prefer using your own project management system or our custom tool, our WordPress experts will fit right into your workflow. Just send us the tasks, and we’ll keep you updated every step of the way​​.

Can I assign as many tasks as I want?

Yes, absolutely. As an agency,you can assign an endless list of tasks. Our WordPress experts handle them one by one, ensuring each task gets the attention it deserves, regardless of type, without limits.

How long will it take to build a WordPress website?

This can vary, but you can expect our WordPress experts to whip up a couple of landing pages in a week on our Starter plan, or a full five-page site within three weeks on our Pro package​​.

What kind of tasks can your WordPress experts handle?

Think of any task within WordPress, design, development, care, SEO, or website optimization — our experts have it covered. From full WordPress website builds to detailed SEO work, we’re ready to take it on​​.

Can you support a variety of websites?

Yes, our team of WordPress experts has experience with all types of WordPress sites — big or small, simple or complex. Whatever your agency’s clients need, we’re equipped to support them​​.

Do you offer ongoing WordPress website maintenance?

Definitely. Keeping client sites running smoothly is critical, and our WordPress experts are on it. With our WP care plans, we’ve got the monthly maintenance fully under control​​.