With 45.8% of all websites using WordPress in 2023, businesses across the globe are competing to make the most of this dynamic platform. But, as WordPress continues to dominate web-based services, staying ahead now requires agile development skills, effective management, and a dedication to forward-thinking customization.

Wondering how well your business is keeping up?

As the need for high-level WordPress expertise becomes increasingly apparent, it’s time to recognize the signs that specialist support and guidance are required – sooner rather than later!

Here are 5 key indicators that suggest it’s time to bring in WordPress experts to ensure your WordPress websites can hold their own.

1. In-House Expertise is Lacking

As WordPress evolves, it demands more than just surface-level skills and familiarity. Even long-time WordPress users can struggle to keep up as everything from custom theme development to plugin integrations gets increasingly complex.

This is why it’s essential to have access to knowledge and expertise beyond basic functionality and focus more on more strategic and innovative aspects of WordPress.

By partnering with a WordPress development and management company, your digital agency or business can confidently offer advanced services in areas like:

  • Advanced custom themes: Dedicated expertise in crafting unique and advanced themes is essential for aligning your services with your customer’s goals and user experience expectations.
  • Custom plugin development: Your team’s proficiency in developing custom WordPress plugins will ensure that they can address specific functionality needs and guarantee seamless integrations.
  • Third-party tools: Strategic insights into integrating third-party tools and external services are vital not only stress-free WordPress development, but also long-term management.
  • Conflict avoidance: Proactive measures to identify and prevent conflicts are crucial if your team wants to promote a smooth and stable WordPress environment.
  • Strategic planning: Guidance on strategic aspects of WordPress will help you navigate evolving trends more effectively and adopt future-proof strategies.

2. You’re Too Close to Your Websites & Processes

As innovative as you think your approach to WordPress is, years of working with specific themes and processes can lead to tunnel vision. If you find yourself unable to view your websites with fresh eyes, it might be time to consider hiring WordPress experts

The best WordPress developers are continually updating their knowledge, and identifying issues that might be invisible to others. They’re always working to ensure they’re delivering what’s best – not what’s easiest!

Introducing professionals with the latest knowledge of WordPress features, trends, and capabilities can bring a lot of value to the table, including:

  • Fresh perspectives: Experts bring a new set of eyes to identify areas for improvement that might otherwise be overlooked.
  • Innovative solutions: A dedicated WordPress team can suggest innovative approaches and solutions, infusing creativity into your projects.
  • Adaptation to trends: Experts naturally stay on top of the latest trends, ensuring your websites are modern, exciting, and aligned with industry standards.
  • User-centric focus: Specialists understand how to optimize the user experience, enhancing engagement and satisfaction.
  • Problem identification: A high level of WordPress expertise allows for swift issue identification, risk mitigation, and project success.

3. Project Management is Draining Valuable Resources

It goes without saying that effective project management is crucial for WordPress projects. Your team not only needs to excel in delivering outstanding websites, but they also need to be able to manage, maintain, and ensure optimal performance for these websites – or risk losing out to competitors!

Unfortunately, without an expert eye on hand to help, WordPress site management can take up valuable time and energy. 

If your project management processes are getting overwhelming, it might be time to hire WordPress developers who can step in and assist you in areas like: 

  • Effective project planning: An experienced WordPress developer can help you develop comprehensive project plans that consider all aspects of your project into account – from development to maintenance.
  • Resource optimization: WordPress specialists can ensure efficient resource allocation, preventing unnecessary drains on time, energy, and workforce patience.
  • Post-launch support: A team of WordPress developers and managers can establish ongoing support and maintenance plans to address issues promptly and maintain optimal performance.
  • White-label client communication: Some WordPress development services also offer white-label WordPress management. This can help you manage client relationships, without the client even knowing that you’re not the WordPress expert yourself!

4. Your Team is Making Costly Mistakes

Even the most skilled teams can make mistakes, especially when faced with tight deadlines and scope creep. However, if your team is cutting corners and compromising on WordPress best practices, it’s definitely time to take action.

Bringing in additional support ensures that your team can focus on their areas of expertise, leaving WordPress in the capable hands of professionals.

This will help improve processes like:

  • Quality assurance: Reputable WordPress experts will conduct rigorous testing to help you catch and correct errors before they impact the project.
  • Code review: Experienced WordPress professionals will conduct thorough code reviews, identifying potential issues and ensuring your projects run smoothly and meet industry standards.
  • Security protocols: WordPress experts are well-versed in the highest level of data compliance and security, protecting your websites and sensitive data from potential threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Workflow optimization: WordPress professionals can introduce streamlined workflows, reducing the likelihood of errors and enhancing overall project efficiency.

Ongoing training: With the support of WordPress specialists, you can provide training sessions for your team, keeping them updated on the latest best practices and technologies in WordPress development.

5. Hiring In-House Doesn’t Add Up

While many businesses recognize the need for additional WordPress support, they often hesitate to commit to hiring full-time WordPress experts. This is usually due to financial constraints, but it can also be because of past experiences with unreliable digital marketing freelancers.

Outsourcing to a WordPress development and management agency with a great reputation can provide a flexible and cost-effective solution. With the right agency, your business can thrive without any long-term commitment or financial overheads.

By partnering with a reputable WordPress services company, you’ll immediately notice benefits like:

  • Cost-effectiveness: Outsourcing to a WordPress agency eliminates the need for full-time salaries and benefits, offering a more budget-friendly solution.
  • Scalability: With a WordPress development and management agency on board, you have the flexibility to scale your WordPress support up or down based on your business’s needs.
  • Diverse expertise: The right WordPress development agency will give you access to a team with a diverse skill set, including developers, designers, SEO experts, and more, without the hassle of individual hires.
  • Reliability: Reputable WordPress development agencies often have a proven track record and a greater sense of accountability when providing WordPress services to their clients.
  • Time savings: Outsourcing your WordPress projects to professionals frees up time spent hiring, training, and managing in-house staff, allowing you to focus on core business activities.

Partner with a Leading Agency for WordPress Excellence

As the demand for WordPress expertise intensifies, partnering with a leading agency is crucial for standing out from the competition and ensuring you meet client demands. 

But which agency within the WordPress community should you partner with?

At UnlimitedWP, we provide custom WordPress services to elevate your business. With over 5,000 completed projects and a team of 100+ WordPress experts, we provide financial flexibility, quality without compromise, and workflows that seamlessly integrate into your processes. 

Why hire a WordPress developer when you can hire an entire support system? Book a demo call with UnlimitedWP today.